Monday, January 31, 2011

Fundraisers for Schools and Youth

Teachers and Parents,
Need fundraising ideas that your school or kids can get involved in? Well, we have some five INCREDIBLE and PROFITABLE fundraisers for schools and youth!

Kiss A Pig Contest: Ask the popular person in your school to do something fun if your team raises a certain amount of money.  Be creative -- for example, shave a beard or a head, dress up like a pig, kiss a pig, dunking booth, pie in the face, etc.
Penny Wars: Set up a challenge for each class to try and collect the most points (pennies). Points are given for pennies and negative points for other coins. Classes could sabotage other floors by placing other coins (not pennies) in their jars. The floor with the most positive points (pennies) wins a pizza party at the expense of the other classes. All the money in the jars is donated to the Relay.
Dance for a Cure: Proceeds of School dances go toward the Relay For Life contributions.

Add a Dollar to Sports Tickets: Sports teams can add an optional dollar to the price of a game (football, basketball, etc.) or dance tickets. Each dollar goes to Relay For Life. If students donate two dollars, they receive a sticker as thanks and to show their generosity.
Baby Sitting Services (Fees to go to Relay!): High school students can make themselves available for babysitting.  Advertising through the PTA, religious institutions, and community newsletters and noting that payment goes to Relay increase interest.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

10 Easy Ways to Raise $100

To start off with, each Relay member should agree to raising AT LEAST $100! This list is a great way to get yourself and your team motivated to raise at least $100. Here are 10 SUPER EASY ways to raise $100!

1. Donate $20 yourself and ask 4 friends for $20 each.

2. Ask 20 friends for $5.00 each.

3. Ask 10 friends for $10.00 each.

4. Send a letter to family and friends, explaining what Relay is and ask for a donation.   Suggestion: Always ask for more than you expect.  Example: If you want $25, ask for $50.  Be sure to include a return by date.

5. Send a letter from your pet to family and friends.  You might also want to send this out to your veterinarian. 

6. Take a walk around your neighborhood.  Knock on doors and ask your neighbors for their support.

7. Arrange a dress down day at work.  Anyone dressing down will have to pay.  Be sure you have a sign that says, “Please excuse our appearance today, we are dressing down to benefit the American Cancer Society Relay For Life”.  You could charge anywhere from $1.00 to $5.00 per person to dress down.   You could arrange these on a weekly or monthly basis.

8. Arrange with the principal of a local school for baseball cap day.  Usually caps are not allowed, however, for $1.00, once a month a student could wear a baseball cap in class.  Be sure to have a sign ready that says, “Caps for a Cure, you will see students today sporting baseball caps as a fundraiser to benefit the American Cancer Society Relay For Life ”.

9. Hold a can and bottle drive.

10. Sell Relay For Life sun and moons.  Available through your American Cancer Society staff partner.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Relay for Life "Cure Bands"

Looking for a fundraiser that is perfect for younger children as well as young adults? Well, we have found the perfect fundraiser for this age group! Introducing, Relay for Life "Cure Bands"!

Following the silly band craze, a vendor is offering “Cure Bands” which can be purchased by teams and individuals to use as a fundraiser. Not only do “Cure Bands” help spread awareness about Relay For Life, they make a great, inexpensive personal fundraising tool (only $2.00 per package)!

To learn more about “Cure Bands” visit PeterKlein’s
website at
Login: saacs
Password: pkpromo

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Short Version of the ABC's of Fundraising

An incredible link/resource for finding fundraising ideas is the ABC's of Fundraising (which is found under the links on the right side). This link has more fundraising ideas than you could ever think of! Most of these are simple and very profitable, which is exactly what we're looking for :) Here's a few examples of fundraisers that come from the letters R E L A Y:

R- Romance – Cater a romantic dinner for two, highest donation wins the dinner.

E- Envelopes at Restaurant Tables – Teams generate donations by placing a Relay For Life envelope at every table, stating “Please Support Our Relay For Life Team and the American Cancer Society.” Waitresses check envelopes after each seating.
L- Lawn Service – While you are mowing your lawn, mow someone else’s too.

A- Ask everyone you meet – Even if you have sent out letters, be sure to carry a donation collection envelope with you so that when you talk to people about Relay, you can ask them to donate right then. Take the donation collection envelope with you to meetings. When you carry a donation collection envelope with you, indicate your own contribution at the top. Make sure the top few donations on form are significant. Other people are apt to follow suit; conversely, if you start with a $2 contribution, others may follow suit with $2. Don’t prejudge whether people will give. Let them say no or ignore your letter rather than not ask.

Y- Yard Sale – Hold the ultimate Yard Sale.

So, what are you waiting for? Go check out the ABC's of Fundraising!

Snow Day Fundraisers

Don't let the snow stop you from fundraising! There are plenty of "Snow Day" fundraisers that you can do right from the comfort of your own home and neighborhood. Here are 5 great ideas that anyone can do :)
  • Shovel/Plow a neighbors driveway/walkway for a donation to RFL.
  • Since the kids are out of school, parents are frantically looking for babysitters! If you are asked to babysit, use the money you earn as a donation to RFL.
  • Start on any crafts that your team can use as fundraisers. Snow days are the best days to work on crafts such as scarves, wire angels, quilts, and any other item that you or your team can sell.
  • Ask a local gas station if you can stand out at the pumps and pump gas for donations.
  • While sipping on your hot chocolate in your nice warm home, start writing letters to friends, relatives, coworkers, and others you may know, asking for a donation to RFL. Here are some tips when writing your letters:
  1. Compose a one-page letter. Write your own as if you are sending it to a close friend.
  2. Balance fact with feeling. Include what Relay is (fact); why you are involved and what it means to you (feeling); where and when your Relay is and where the money goes (facts). Describe the Luminaria Ceremony and how to purchase a luminaria (feeling); remind them to seek a company gift-match if offered (fact); and, on the back of the letter or at the bottom of your email, re-create a luminaria sign-up form (time saving tip).
  3. Early on, decide what to ask. Don’t limit your donors, but ask for a specific range.  Ask for, “$10, $20, $50 or whatever your budget will allow.”
  4. Give a 10-day deadline for response. People respond when there is a sense of urgency. Tell them to write the check to the American Cancer Society and send it to your address.
  5. Copy the letters, and before stuffing them into envelopes, use colored ink to write the person’s name on top and a quick line,“Hope you can support me.” Sign it to add the personal touch.
  6. Mail the letters. Yes, you will be out-of pocket the postage and copying costs, but they are minor compared to the return and, of course, the cause.
Remember, cancer doesn't take a break on Snow Days and neither should you! Make the most out of your Snow Day!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let the Fundraising Begin!

Welcome to the Harrisonburg/Rockingham County Relay for Life Fundraising Blog! We (Kelsey & Heather) have created this blog as an easy resource that you and your team can use throughout the year regarding fundraising ideas. As we come across fundraising ideas we will post them for you to read and share with your team. Also, please write comments on our posts with ideas of your own! All fundraising ideas are welcome! Be sure to also check out the links we have posted on the right side of the blog. These are links to other blogs and web pages that have helpful relay and fundraising information.
Happy Relaying :)